Above: Panorama of my piece 'It's All Honest'
'It's All Honest'
Territoriality can relate to a concept of social and cultural belonging and extends into the personal, psychological and mental sphere. The notion of territoriality is inherently about space, your space, the space of a studio, public, private, mental, physical space and the boundaries/ territories between. I wanted my piece to represent my territory among someone else's, within a personal format, so that the viewer would instantly assume every image had a correlation to me. The images were a relation between my personal territory and more personal images from someone else's.' It's all Honest' seeks to display the irony that people always believe what they see. The viewer will pass a picture of me, my home, my relationship and family, etc in a very real frame and will then be faced with a selection of nudes (that were submitted to me), causing the viewer to assume that surprisingly I would have drawn my own nudes within the series, without realising they are invading someone else's personal territory as well as mine.