A closer look into the final presentation of my piece in the Material Matters Show, being left outside for roughly 2 weeks, it is interesting to see how the piece has changed.
Being left outside in wet and cold months, this piece began to get really damp inside and the piled clothes stayed wet through. Although there was no salvaging this piece, I was inspired by the use of offcut fabric in hopes of showing that clothes still produce waste plastics even once produced, every wash cycle they will release micro-plastics that will at some point enter the ocean, my piece doesn't show this literally, but I am surprised at how successfully it hints at it. The piece that's sitting is encased in plastic, the wetter the clothes have got begins to highlight the plastic on the outside as it remains perfectly in place. I like the led down piece as the wet clothes start to become heavy it plays on the idea of being weighed down by consumerism. Although it got damp unappealing as a piece, I think that the weathering it went through strengthened it more than if it was displayed inside.