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Memory Palace

Updated: Apr 14, 2020

An insight into my visit to the exhibition Memory Palace and what I learnt.

Art I was inspired by:

"Memory defines us, whether the personal memories that shape our sense of self or the collective, cultural and historical memories on which societies build their identities. Memory has been a key recovery from the trauma of the 20th century's historical calamities, and to surviving the pace of change in the modern age." The artwork displayed in Memory Palace focuses on the materiality of art, the first painting features 3 colours, quickly brushed on, the piece looks lost on the wall, however, if you view the image upside down your perception soon notices 2 people stood happily next to each other, nothing you view in art is as it seems to the eye. Art lends itself to the personal and confessional and is a powerful medium for stories missing from history's official record. Memory Palace is named for the best-known mnemonic device among the 'arts of memory' expounded by ancient classical and Chinese scholars. In the technique, the subject mentally places the objects to be remembered along a path through a familiar location, recalling them by retracing the journey. The act of remembering is resistance to loss. The third image is a sculpture, made of raw silk threads interwoven with 12,000+ tiny blackened needles. The material presence the artist conceived appears then goes, like the memories that linger in those who grieve.

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